Some signs of the pitiful state of the media

TPM commentary is bitter about reading that

For example, the Obama team, with all its tech savvy, new media skills, generally shunned political websites that dictated election coverage. “Staff members were encouraged to ignore new Web sites like The Page, written by Time’s Mark Halperin, and Politico,”

Oh, really? they say. They call THAT shunning? Just take a look at us, after we tried so hard:

my personal experience of the Obama campaign is a bit at odds with this. Politico was treated like royalty by the Obama camp, which lavished a steady stream of leaks on the upstart website. Politico got more love from the Obama camp than the liberal blogs did, for instance — even though the liberal blogs were going after John McCain way more aggressively than Politico was.

And spaking of love, there is a “love only policy” at WaPo

“All adds must be congratulatory in nature”

says the fine print on the ad placing rules. And no, these are not the articles in the paper, these are the ads people pay for.


WaPo is also thumbbing its nose at us by penning a fawning profile of Favreau, with but a passing nod to the “unpleasantness”

Now, he has transformed into what one friend called a “Washington political force” — a minor celebrity with a down payment on a Dupont Circle condo, whose silly Facebook photos with a Hillary Rodham Clinton cutout created what passes for controversy in Obama’s so far drama-free transition.

Drama free? maybe Rahm Emmanuel, JJJ and the rest of the Chicago crew would have some qualms with that. But I got the message –

“only congratulatory content”

Still, here’s a headline today

Blago drama for Obama


And after the WaPo thinghie B0bots confess (or not) to being jealous of Favreau)

Don’t worry, Jon, everyone is just hopelessly — profoundly — jealous. It’s got to drive everyone crazy that you are 27.