C6GYenCUwAAbBpKSoviet Russia misconception: Party runs everything (remember Politburo?). Russia may not be Soviet anymore, but it is run by someone who grew up under it and has its misconceptions. That’s why people taking over the US elections put so much stock in parties (hacking the DNC) and their platforms – both of them.

Think of the Bernies’ furor of changing the D platform. When did this even occur in our history? Who cares about non-binding platforms?
If you had any doubt that this was Russian inspired, think of the similar idiocy on the other side: think of the effort – and risk – to change the R platform re: Ukraine! 🍊 was instructed back in March (“we don’t want WWIII over Ukraine – JD Gordon, Russian ambassador met with his puppets in Cleveland to get it done. They actually sent the Russian Ambassador to meet with their agents in 🍊’s campaign (Sessions, Carter Page) for an inconsequential document.

also, Kizlyak met 🍊 in April

A few minutes before he made those remarks, Mr. Trump met at a VIP reception with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Ivanovich Kislyak. Mr. Trump warmly greeted Mr. Kislyak and three other foreign ambassadors who came to the reception.

WHY? Who cares about a party platform? Russians, that’s who. Former Soviet ones! In this country, changes of policy are done by law/government/SCOTUS. NEVER BY PARTIES! Parties can’t even tell a candidate what to run on, let alone what to get done if she/he wins. If you need proof that this entire election (since the primaries) was run by Russia, look no further but the party platforms battles.

The absurdity of it all is that it’s based by dinosaurs misconceptions – who didn’t catch up with the changes in Russia either. Propaganda it’s still used – at least that was the single successful product of communism. But party is dead in Russia and it was never the same in US. But Putin & co failed to get this and Bernie Bots/Trump’s Russian agents acred on this outdated misconceptions.