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They are quoting themselves on the cover


It seems Stop and Frisk is once again the issue of this mayoral election. I remember when Occupy was given a favorable ruling by the court and Bloomberg went ahed and changed the judge/ got his way.

Once again, here’s the AM NY headline

and here’s NY Post celebrating in their gracious fashion .I hope New Yorkers will show up and vote on Tuesday!

Having gotten the maximum mileage from printing “Moscow” next to Snowden’s name, tabloids decided to go one over. A bona-fide spy tweeted she likes Snowden!

And that’s front page news, from the paper that let us know Greenwald’s dog’s too big!

And whie you are outraged by this tweet, remember, you are still being spied on!

And just because we are doing outlandish headlines, here’s the Post coverage of Egypt events .

Back to Snowden, Oba,a almost starts aΒ  world war unsuccessfully hunting for Snowden

Barring of Bolivian Plane Infuriates Latin America as Snowden Case Widens

At least the free tabloids in NYC are in sync with the celebratory mood here.

Metro is trying to boost Quinn’s sagging numbers in the process (lots of politicians trying to get credit for this). NY Post ignores it and I’ll check the Daily News later

Didn’t fin the Daily News cover, but saw their hatchet job on Greenwald

They leave no stone unturned. How can anyone believe Greenwald now when

In a 2003 lawsuit, he and his then partner, Werner Achetz, were sued by their West Side condo board for having a dog that was bigger than building by-laws allowed.

The couple countered that they and their dog Uli were being singled out because they were gay, a charge the board denied. The case eventually settled.

Here’s Greenwald on the expected attacks

The personal side of taking on the NSA:Β emerging smears

Distractions about my past and personal life have emerged – an inevitable side effect for those who challenge the US government

Counting on American’s mistrust of the rest of the world, the media is fueling hysteria against Snowden to distract from his revelations.

The funniest thing about this headline is the fact that doubts are raised today if snowden was ever in Moscow.Β 

The karmic line from that article is

Many journalists did board the flight which is alcohol free and will last 12 hours. They will have to stay in Cuba for three days.

Please tell me that Dances-with Rove Gregory is there too!

Not Your Sweetie

May 2024
