You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2017.

Update gif – post reveal

It’s raining on the East Coast, so golfing is out, and the Mueller indictment(s) are a-coming so

and more fun

and the darth way

or more directly

it’s an entire alternative universe

which Hillary commented on as well

which can be read as


and since the uranium πŸ‚Β  πŸ’©Β  is part of it…/status/924695027397181440

Patton Oswalt went the nostalgia road

or more directly

and more fun

Hello! The lawyer springs to action:

and the reason he needs to do that is


After a sustained attack on Hillary on the old Uranium stories which a lot of MSM carried blindly, we finally found the reason

in other words, it’s finally

complete with baby cannon


and this is how it appears on TVs

and Hannity still trying

and his boss

while Edel provides the graphics

other reactions

and the nazis and crazies

as Reuters and WSJ confirm the story

but the cover

Since we don’t know whom yet, speculations:






Worried that he didn’t let his psyche hang publicly enough, 🍊 is summoning again his imaginary friends. This is a follow up to the previous insanity post

Forbes recently published an article about 🍊

‘s net worth going down significantly

I should have realized at the time, this would be the thing to get him more than any insult from anyone in the world. The next thing was predictable

It’s the usual Mirror Mirror far – richest, smartest. The new thing – for me is the part about his children running the country. First time it comes out in words. We knew he view his “job” as that of a king and he’s already put his dim witted offspring in undeserved high places. But articulating this is a step ahead. There is also the insecurity coming out in “He will continue to run the country” But why is this rant not enough for Article 25? Ah, yeah, tax cuts!

As for the part where Steve Bannon will take care of the media, this is in the works per Sessions

Update: after his ongoing Feud with Frederica Willson, where he leveled this at her

Maxine Waters checks in

Also, Β from UK

a little blast from the past

and Halloween edition


Will Kelly attack the widow now?

predictably, 🍊  does “I WAS Respectful, bitch!”

aand another thread listing Kelly’s 20 lies (+ 7 more)

Summary thread – what happened on Character Counts week


and a brilliant response to NYT bothsidery

another analysis


The story grows uglier still with Gen Kelly jumping in to viciously attack the Congresswoman – and reiterate that soldiers sign on to be killed

and she answers

and also

After beating the protesting athletes over the head with the flag and the fallen soldiers (as recently as this morning, after ignoring the 4 soldiers who died in Niger – he golfed when their bodies arrived, when questioned, 🍊

deflected by trying to smear Obama in this word salad

and translated in high school lingo

when laughter ensued, he came with an uglier more pointed lie that Fox, NBC trumpeted

and 🍊0 himself  repeated in an interview

except that the calls are made to the spouse for married soldiers

And just as it seemed he reached bottom, he eventually met one of the widows (not father) and had this to say

and after people reacted in horror

he accused people reacting of lying

full package of rage today

the accusation of lying is against yet another black woman

and now it’s 🍊  vs the Gold Star Β wife

who also confirmed the congresswoman account

which makes this earlier tweet prophetic

but so far, he sounds threatening – to the Congresswoman

*the woman*

and the war on the congresswoman continues despite confirmation from the widow


Predictable, the Congresswoman is getting threats from 🍊 ‘s Nazis

This captures it

and more on that press conference

and a thread from a veteran

But wait, there’s more

and we still don’t know why they died


other despicable news

and no call whatsoever for her

even worse

Let’s also remember

and more reviews are in

even from Fox

and from Khizr Khan

and in Boston Globe

and a very poignant commentary

That’s how he gets absolved. That’s how he always gets absolved. There’s always somebody willing to step up and push their soul to the middle of the table for him to gamble with and, when he loses, because he always loses at the game of being human, he reneges on the bet because that’s what he always does.


And now, by deploying the memory of his son, he’s given his inexcusable boss that boss’s most recent alibi for that boss’s most recent offense against human decency and the dignity of his office. There’s a great sadness in that.

and this was more slandering

and debunking



Now we’re told we’re not allowed to argue with generals


and now, time for the behind the scene leaks



My pinned tweet is all about the language of propaganda which the Russians once perfected and exported it to us.

These days, lots of examples.

In the “now it can be told” category

from the guy who just spoke at the Values summit

metaphors sometimes fork for the truth – an this one is endorsed by the author

there’s a Twitter account that does the work I am highlighting here. This is a great example

debunking from Krugman

with the best explanation

and as “fake news” is the go to denial this makes a good summary

winging it

this one is naked perversion, no disguise

this is here purely for entertainment – although Β could pretend it’s the language of images/satire


Not Your Sweetie

October 2017
