You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2013.

They are all again on first name basisย  with their favorite billionaire as they report this tabloid story

with only Metro keeping a professional tone ,

First they laugh at you, then they fight you

I hope it means Weiner will end up winning this

Somehow no one asks “But what about the children” when these headlines are all over the NYC. The frat boys own the tabloids and have fun!

Weiner’s official entry in the race might have nimbly avoided a new spree of phallic jokes but Cuomo’s idiotic interview opened the door

Even the free tabloids keep up the theme, this time with movie reviews. Penis, penis everywhere! Tomorrow, I predict we go to “fart” page ones!

Meanwhile, for today’s censorship brigade, this is NYC street, across the street from a catholic schoolย  .

I had to see the Daily News cover – which seems to be lifted from the UK SUN to see the missing word missing in the CNN article I read today.

NY Post leads with the same photo from the video CNN elected to post without a sound. I see the knee jerk rationalizations from the left: “But is this terrorism? Why aren’t other murders terrorism? (I guess the murdered must chose to put the label on)

Anthony Weiner missed on the phallicย  jokes today, only got a raised eyebrow from AMNY Everyone knows the medis (i.e Bloomberg) has designated Cristine Quinn as successor, so…

And as for Bloomberg’s other “nice intention, poor execution” plan, I’ll believe it when I see it (3 days left).

Ever since a candidate, Bloomberg bought and bullied his way in and out of everything. And since one of the bought parties is the media (some of which he owns) we never saw a bad headline about him. With his 3rd term approaching its end, NY Post became “brave”ย  (even as Bloomberg’s designated successor, Quinn gets all the coverage by the same media)

Not Your Sweetie

May 2013
