
What woke me in the morning was this NY Post riff from Richard Wolffe’s book about Obama

This being NY Post, I am amused by the “Nanny President” – and immediately wonder: who are the babies?

The anecdote illustrating this is largely irrelevant and picked to fit a talking point:

Obama orders an overweight staffer to eat the salad for lunch.

To me, this is actually a bit surprising, to see Obama notices someone else than himself.

It’s the  other excerpt that feeds into Obama’s personality

While talking about his researching the White House library for the wisdom of his predecessors, Obama delivers a Reagan quote which he mis-attributes to Lincoln (isn’t it interesting how he draws all his inspiration from the Rs?)

And it gets better:

In fact Obama later admitted to Wolffe that he had found the quotation while reading one of his own diaries, in which he had mistakenly attributed the Reaganism to Lincoln.

So: In times of worry and strife, Obama looks for comforting inspiration in the sacred, timeless words of . . . Obama!

Presidents are often accused of surrounding themselves with yes-men and retreating from the world. This president doesn’t even need the yes-men. He lives in a hall of mirrors, and he’s awed by the view.

Isn’t interesting how even in his own diaries, he can’t find a D quote, mis-attributed or not!

The author makes a few Jr.jr good points as well

Obama evidently feels that his tireless brainwork tidied up the war-peace problem for the ages in his Nobel Prize speech (peace, we learned, is desirable but war is sometimes necessary) and that he wrought a profound new balance on civil liberties by largely retaining Bush anti-terror policies with the major fix being that, this time, he is the one in charge (a position Wolffe ably summarizes as, “In other words, trust me”).
All this gleaned from a fluff up book!
It’s possible that keeping W’s policies is a plus for the NY Post writer and he’d just like an scknowledgment of this.
You know, like Reagan/Lincoln got.