You are currently browsing the daily archive for August 16, 2009.

Public option dead

Democratic senator: Public health insurance option dead

Kent Conrad:

“The fact of the matter is there are not the votes in the United States Senate for a public option. There never have been,” Conrad said on “FOX News Sunday.”

Poor wittle Democrats! If only we wouldΒ  have voted more of them in office to get a majority…Ah, wait, we did!

There’s no joy in B0botland. Here’s an interesting thread

Any reason at all to vote for this guy in 2012?

The obvious answer: any reason you voted for him in 2008?..

I also like this one

F$%@k you Obama

Comments here are even better…

Mr. President:

No more votes for you.

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Don’t look now, B0bots, but It is the Rassmusen result

54% would rather have no reform than what’s now in Congress.

This does not mean that most voters are opposed to health care reform. But it does highlight the level of concern about the specific proposals that Congressional Democrats have approved in a series of Committees

B0bots have two options here: either believe the birthers and teabaggers are now a majority or admit that there are opponents of all political stripes, some with legitimate concerns.

I believe this fulfills Conyers’s profecy

at the end of the legislative process, progressive congresspersons may wind up voting against Obama on health carebecause the bill will be simply too bad for advocates of real reform to support.

I think that common ground between the left and right has finally been reached re: this bill:


Here are the numbers by political affiliation

Not surprisingly, there is a huge partisan divide on this issue. Sixty percent (60%) of Democrats say passing the legislation in Congress would be the best course of action. However, 80% of Republicans take the opposite view. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 23% would like the Congressional reform to pass while 66% would rather the legislators take no action.

So, it’s down to 60% who think that anything Obama does ought to be good…Less than the numbers for independents.

And this is the sentence in the analysis that is the key to understanding the reasons:

To this point, there has been no Republican support for the legislative effort although the Senate Finance Committee is still attempting to seek a bi-partisan solution.

Why? Id this why you asked us to vote you in and have a majority? Sometimes, trying to please all ends up makingΒ  everyone unhappy. And also proves that politics trumps it all – andΒ  there’s no principle you actually stand for and are prepared to fight for.

But if I were a conspiracy theorist, I would say – gee, this looks as it was actually set to fail by people never wanting to enact any reform

Also, if you missed it: in Mr Fish cartoon Obama is depicted on T-shirts as Robin Hood.

Not Your Sweetie

August 2009
